Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Job Interviews

I had an interview yesterday. The first one since 2005. WOW. It went well, but I realized I lack the networking knowledge to do IT. I may have had a better chance of getting the job if I knew more about networks. So, I will either be getting a book or taking the class up at the college next semester. It depends on if I get a different job or not.

I received another call yesterday about a possible job interview near me. I called back this morning, but haven't received a call back yet. I am hoping they call back, because in the message she said that they were hoping to do an interview today because they wanted to hire someone by the end of the week. So, let's keep our fingers crossed. In the meantime, we can't go get more of our garden planted because we are waiting around here for her to call. Ggggrrr.

I am hoping to get a job, but I would prefer something part-time. My husband would rather I find something full time. We'll see what happens.

Update: I have an interview at 3 for that place I was talking about. Wish me luck


Monday, May 18, 2009

Club Hasay Update

I had to go out and buy clothes tonight because I have an interview tomorrow. Uuuughhh, I hate trying on pants, especially because I haven't lost as much as I would have liked. Stupid pants don't like to fit over my big hips. Ggggrrr. I have no really nice clothes that fit. They are all in smaller sizes from before I had my daughter almost 3 years ago. That's the only bad part about having babies so close together. You don't really have time to lose the weight you gained from the first one, before you start gaining for the next.

Last week I lost another pound and a half, to make my overall weight loss 7 pounds in 3 weeks. I have been doing well at the gym. I go 4-5 days a week and stay for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. This is my 'me' time, my escape. LOL. I think I need to start keeping better track of my food. I was very bad last night and made up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Bad me!! But I had been so good, that I felt like we needed a treat. I didn't eat too many of them. But now we can be good again for a few more weeks!


Meal Plan Monday 5/18

This week's meal plan:
  • Monday - eat out
  • Tuesday - Chicken n biscuits
  • Wednesday - homemade mac n cheese with broccoli and chicken added
  • Thursday - leftovers
  • Friday -grilled chicken, corn on cob
  • Saturday -homemade pizza with sausage, pepperoni, onions and peppers
  • Sunday -leftovers


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Help with potty training

I need some help potty training my little girl. She is 2 1/2 and pretty stubborn. She knows that she's supposed to be going pee in the potty but just keeps peeing in her underwear. Time after time after time. We have been staying in the kitchen for now so that I don't have a really big mess to clean up. She just won't go potty. Any suggestions would be awesome. Please help!!!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Summer To-Do List

I am all done with my finals. THANK GOODNESS!!! I had some tough ones this semester, but I am glad that the semester is done and I can concentrate on all the other stuff I need to get done. Oh believe me. I have a list!! Some of the things I am going to be working on include:
  • getting my daughter potty trained!!!
  • redo my Coupon Queen blog. I want to add pages to it so that will take a little work. I am also debating on changing my banner and background. It's very "pretty" right now, but I am thinking I would like to make it look more professional.
  • need to get my little ones in the same bedroom. The little man will be climbing out of the crib soon so we need to get the room organized and ready for a toddler bed, along with adding his sister in there.
  • since we will be staying here for a while, I need to do some reorganizing in order for this place to work longer. I know I need to organize my pantry and the cupboards. Who knows? I may even find more places for my stockpile. LOL.
  • and, of course, we will be working in the garden. We have corn, peas and carrots in right now and hope to get more planted tomorrow, if the weather cooperates.
I am sure I will find more stuff to add to my summer to-do list. LOL. Does anyone else have a summer to do-list. Share by leaving me a comment.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 5/13

My daughter decided she wanted to try to be like Van Gogh, only she decided that paper wasn't good enough for her and the window was. LOL. Of course, she cleaned it off after she was caught!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Club Hasay Update

Well, the gym thing has been going well. I went at least 4 times last week (I should really be writing that down. lol). I have been working out for 1 1/2 to 2 hours each time I go. 20 minutes on treadmill, 20 minutes on elliptical, strength training (usually do about 5-6 different exercises plus abs) and then 20 minutes on the bike.

I have lost another 1 1/2 pounds, so I am happy about that. Even though I know that could have been better. I had a very bad food week. There was some hot dogs and even some ice cream. But all in all not too bad. I m now down almost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. YEAH. I have to say that reducing the cable so we could get a gym membership was the best thing we could have done. The gym is open 24 hours a day, so it is really easy for both me and hubby to get to the gym.

My finals are 1/3 of the way over and I only really have to study for the one tomorrow. The one on Thursday is for my spreadsheets class and that is easy peasy! So, after that I will be less stressed. Therefore, less likely to eat bad things! LOL. We are also going to be actually planting in our garden this week (we had to put up a fence first) and that will also give me a good workout.

So, hopefully next week I will see a few more pounds coming off (definitely feeling better and feeling more trim).


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

pepsi contest

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that Elizabeth over at Table for Five is having an awesome contest. It ends tomorrow, so run, don't walk. Really run. Get over there and enter her contest to win a whole bunch of cool Pepsi things. Click here to go to the post.

Also, take a few minutes and check out her other posts. I have been subscribed to her blog for quite some time and really enjoy reading her posts.


Wordless Wednesday

My little ones "helping" in the garden.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Meal Plan Monday

Here is what I plan to make for dinner each night. Hopefully this will also help to inspire you to plan out your meals for the week - it makes life so much easier and helps keep you away from takeout.

Monday - grilled chicken breast, corn on cob, jello

Tuesday - homemade pizza, green beans, dessert

Wednesday - busy night - I have an assignment due the next day - pancakes and eggs

Thursday - leftovers

Friday - homemade sloppy joes, carrots, stuffing

Saturday - chili with cornbread muffins

Sunday - leftovers

What do you have planned for your dinners this week?


HASAY update 5/4

Man, my inside of my thighs still kill!!! I did the machine that works your inner thighs on Tuesday night and my inner thighs still hurt when I do certain things. WOW!!!

I went to the gym 4 times last week and worked my butt off (literally lol). I didn't get there this weekend but I did work on getting stones out of the garden for several hours on Saturday - believe me, that was a work out. I haven't gotten on the scale today, but I definitely lost at least 4 pounds, possibly more. Plus I have definitely been toning up those muscles. So, I am really happy with that.

I would like to get to the gym this evening, but we shall see. Hubby wants to go work on the fencing around the garden again tonight and I also have to work on a difficult homework assignment that is due on Thursday. I have been doing pretty good with portion control and even counted out the 24 mini wheats that are in a serving yesterday. I am just trying to be smarter about how much I eat. I have been craving chocolate chip cookies the last few days and I may just have to give in and make half a batch. I don't want to deprive myself of treats because I know that will lead to binging-like behavior.

I really think that going to a gym is what's really going to get me to lose this weight. With all the kids and hubby at home it is really hard to work out. Now I just use the gym as an excuse to get away from it all... LOL. It's my 'me' time. I am hoping to get to the gym at least 3 times this week (I have finals next week so I am not making my goal too high) and will continue to watch how much I eat. I am hoping to lose a few more pounds this week.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Coupon Contest

I wanted to let you all know that I am running a coupon giveaway over at my frugal blog: Coupon Queen of Corning. Come on over and enter to win over $75 in coupons. Contest begins today and ends Sunday May 10.



We've been trying to get the garden ready for planting and we should be ready to plant this week. yesterday we went and got the stuff for the fencing and hubby and his uncle worked on it yesterday and today. Once the fencing is up we have to get some rocks out of the garden (and wow there is whole lot of rocks in that one section) and then we can plant.

I made a double batch of tuna casserole last week and froze half. Since the guys are up there slaving away, I don't have an opportunity to be in the kitchen (the kids, especially the little guy, get into stuff). So I popped the frozen casserole in the oven to defrost and cook. It should be done soon. I will have to share later me recipe for making tuna casserole with a white sauce.

Tonight I need to cook up several pounds of meat and freeze them. I also need to cut up onions and peppers and get those froze. I do this so that dinner time is easier and quicker.

I am not sure how much time I will have to post on here in the next 2 weeks. This week is the last week of classes and I have a big programming assignment due on Thursday. Then next week I have an exam on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Then I am done. So I will be busy busy busy!!

Ok. Off to check on my casserole. Leave me a comment.


Monday, April 27, 2009

We Joined a Gym - Club Hasay Update

I know it's not the most frugal thing, but after a lot of thought and discussion, hubby and I have joined a gym. It is less than $50 a month and we can go anytime we want because they are open 24 hours a day. We decided that our health was just too important. Hubby's family has a lot of heart disease and he needs to be preventative. He would also like to lose about 20 pounds. I need to lose weight because I just feel crappy about myself a lot. I really want to fit back into the clothes I wore before I had the last two kids. I was about 165 when I got pregnant with dd three years ago and that is my first goal. Then I will work on making it to 145.

In order to pay for the gym, I told Ben we would have to get rid of the cable. I didn't think he would actually do it. God forbid he miss his Mets. But, two days later he said he would really like to sign up for the gym. He had gotten a free pass for the week so he knew he wanted to get a membership. He will now be watching his baseball games at the gym or listening to them on AM radio. I think we will all be healthier without cable. We will still have channels 2-13, so the little ones can still watch PBS and we can still watch the news. And we will also have Internet, so if we really want to watch something, we may be able to do it online.

My first workout was Saturday morning. There was only about 8 people in there when I went. It was nice too, because there were no really buff people in there. Most of the people were at least 10 or 20 pounds overweight, so that made me feel better. They had some really awesome machines, but some of them took me a little while to figure out because they were so new and different from what I used a few years ago at a different gym. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, then 3 reps of 12 on an ab machine, a leg machine, and a shoulder press machine, then I did 20 more minutes on the bike. I felt really good afterwards.

I didn't get to go to the gym yesterday because we were working on the garden all day, but I still got a really good workout. I am hurting today that's for sure. LOL. But that means I did work, right? I figure maybe I will go to the gym after my class this afternoon, but I am not sure when hubby plans on going, so that may change. I need to do up a workout plan sometime in the next few days. I have always been knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness, just always lacked the motivation to move my butt. Hoping that will change now.


Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am SO exhausted! We went up to our land and started getting our garden ready. It's a new garden so we also have to get rid of the sod!! How I wish we had rented a sod remover first and then the rotatiller. It's going to be quite a bit of work to get that sod out of there. But we will get it done this week.

The stupid rotatiller cord broke while hubby was tilling the ground. He had about 3 or 4 more rows that he needed to do a second and third pass on. So, we were pretty close to getting it done. He tried to fix it, but it didn't work. Of course, he can't move this monster of a machine, because it won't roll unless you have it started up. And there is no way someone is going to pick that thing up! LOL. So, tomorrow morning he is off to the rental place to find out what they want to do about it.

The kids had a blast too. Little princess was having so much fun digging in the dirt and my older son kept having to chase after the little guy because he didn't stay in one place for long. LOL. Of course, there we were on 14 acres (our land plus hubby's uncle's) that he could roam around on and all he wanted to do was go up and down the steps! LOL.

I am hoping we will be able to get our vegetables planted sometime this week and then we will be putting up a fence around the garden - so the bunnies and especially the deer don't eat our food. I am dead tired and ready to go to bed. It's not even 11 o'clock yet. That's crazy for me. I am usually one of those people who stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning. So, off to bed I go. Hope everyone had a wonderful day (and enjoyed the beautiful weather if you live in the Northeast). Good night!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beautiful Weather This Weekend

We are getting ready to have some beautiful weather up here in New York state. It's been pretty chilly the last few days and mostly rainy. Today it was pretty chilly - it's 38 degrees right now at 10 pm - but at least the sun was shining. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 77 and Saturday's is 84!! NICE!!!! It's supposed to be in the 70s and 80s until next Wednesday, when we will have rain and be in upper 60s. I can SO deal with that!!!

The kids will have plenty of time to go outside and play! They haven't been able to the last few days, and the little man has not been too happy about it. I want to take my camera out and get some pics of nature and the kids also. The trees are getting their buds and the grass is getting so green!! I'm just so happy to have nice weather again. Can ya tell? I'm also going to try to fit in a nice walk each day on the weekend. The kids enjoy it and mom gets to work off some of the flubber.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts

1. As you may know, my laptop's keyboard has seen better days. It had gotten to such a state that I was missing 3 keys and one wasn't on there right. I really hate laptop keyboards! The keys are extremely difficult to put back on and doing so is an exercise in patience. Friday night I decided to look up what could be done about my poor laptop and after doing some research, I decided to check out Ebay and see if I could find a new one. I found one where I could buy it right then and it was priced really well - $18 including tax and it had free shipping. So, I was sold.

When I got home from my class today, my husband had a surprise for me. He had installed the new keyboard (I was all prepared to spend some time doing this at some point this week). He figured he would surprise me since I was not here when it came. What a sweet husband I have. One less thing I have to do.

2. It is going to be a very busy evening. I got home a little after 3 from my class. Now we are all just getting around because I have an appointment at the library at 5 and at 5:15 baseball practice starts. I am going to be dropping hubby and the kids off a little before 5 and then running over to the library. Thank goodness it ended up being a decent day. In all likelihood we will be grabbing something at a fast food place after practice, as much as I don't want to.

3. My husband got a free week pass for a new local gym that's open twenty four hours a day (you use a card to get in). Well now he really wants a membership. Of course, he is on unemployment, so that isn't going to happen. I told him we could get rid of the extra cable (this would save us $40 a month) and then we could afford a gym membership. He wasn't too keen on that idea because then he would be missing his precious Mets!! lol. I would love to go to the gym too (believe me, I need to lose about 60 pounds) but I think I would rather pay the bills!!

4. I hate IE6 (internet explorer 6)! It doesn't like my signature because it doesn't like pngs. So all you out there need to upgrade to at least 7 or, better yet, use Firefox. just kidding. lol. But 7 does support these other graphic files, so it is better. I will be changing it to a jpg with the pages background behind it so those with IE6 will now be able to see it correctly.

I have a test in my Business Statistics class on Thursday, and this is some hard stuff. Let me tell ya. So, between now and then I will probably not be posting much. So I will wish you all a great Earth Day, one day in advance.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Contest over at Frugal Upstate

I just wanted to let you all know about a contest that Frugal Upstate is having on her blog. You can win a Little Bissell, Green Works products, White Cloud Green Earth products, Tide ColdWater, and a Brita water pitcher. This contest is in celebration of Earth Day. All you have to do is go over to her blog and leave a comment with an idea that is both frugal and good for the environment. Easy right? Go over and visit now, ok?


Beautiful weather and my crappy laptop!

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in upstate NY. 70 degrees, sun was shining. Beautiful!! We had the kids outside most of the afternoon and evening, until we went to the store. We went to to Tops and did REALLY well on sales.

Today is supposed to be just as nice. Dh will be gone for a while - he's at the mall taking the defensive driving course. This will save us some money on insurance. When he gets home we will be walking to Family Dollar to look at cell phone chargers for the car. They have LG ones that I think will fit our Net10 phones for $6. They come with 3 different tips so we will only have to buy one if it works with both phones.

Speaking of spending more money..... grrrrrr... I ordered a new keyboard for my laptop yesterday. My keyboard is just beyond repair. My pgDn button doesn't sit there right. Those little white pieces that go under the buttons are just a big pain in the butt. I'm missing one for down key and the one for my space bar broke. I found a new keyboard on Ebay for around $18 including tax (some other places wanted close to $30) and now I just have to wait to get it. Then the fun part will be trying to put it in, but at least I have a manual for that so I should be able to do it.

I've had this laptop a little over a year and it's a piece of crap. My husband bought a refurbished Gateway and it's awesome (it's what I am using right now because of my keyboard). Maybe it's because of all the stuff I added to mine. I don't know. I've tried to restore it several times and it never works. So, this summer, after my classes are done, my big project will be to get all the pictures on CD and copy everything. Then I will be restoring it back to factory standards. Putting it all back in will be a chore also. Then, hopefully, the laptop will work and run better (the thing is just so slow right now). Maybe then I will be able to put off getting a new laptop for several years!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Couponing 101 Part 2

This is the second part of my article on the basics of couponing. If you would like to read the first part, click here.

I personally save any coupon for a product that I will buy if I can get it dirt cheap or even free. For example, we don't usually use Land O'Lakes butter,but I will put it in my coupon holder just in case. So, this week I do have a coupon for it for $.55 and I found it on sale for $1.69. It can be doubled at this store so I will paying $.59 for a pound a butter. Pretty good price huh? You know those coupons they have near products in the stores (they are called blinkies), grab a couple of them if it is for a product you might possibly use. Usually the product is not on sale anyway, so just put it in your holder.

Most store ads come out on Sunday. What I do to prepare on Saturday night is go through my coupons and throw out expired coupons. Besides getting rid of bad coupons, I am also refreshing my mind on what coupons I have. I also personally have a spreadsheet where I keep track of what coupons I have, when they expired and the quantity. I can easily delete and add more coupons and when I want to find a coupon I just click on control-f. I can also print this off and take it with me when I have a lot of coupons in my holder (which is the current state).

Many store ads are online, but you may have a local store that is not. I find it easier to look at a paper ad anyways, plus I am buying a paper for the coupons so why not make my life easier. The front page of the ad is where you will mostly find the best deals, these are commonly referred to as loss leaders. These are meant to lure you to the store and get you to spend money on other things that aren't on sale. Don't fall for this trick. Only buy things that are on sale!

Look through the ad and write down anything that seems like a good deal. You may want to start keeping a price book or a spreadsheet where you can write down who has the best regular prices on things. Be careful, because sometimes they may say it is on sale, but you're only saving pennies. Make sure you only write down things that you may use or eat. Buying stuff to only throw them away is wasteful and you are throwing your money in the garbage.

After looking through the ad, look through your coupons and see if any of them match the sale price. A $.40 coupon may not seem like a lot but if your store doubles coupons then that is really $.80 off that item, which may end up making it a pretty good price. Check with your store about their coupon policy. After looking through your coupons, go online to A Full Cup or CouponMom and see what printable coupons are out there that match your sale prices. Again, check with your individual store to see if they accept Internet coupons (Some Walmarts do and some don't).

Don't forget to look at ads for CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid if you have any of these near you. Many times you can get products for really cheap or even free. Walgreens has Register Rewards where if you buy a certain product or products you can get money off your next purchase at Walgreens. CVS also has a similar program, although I do not know the name of it since there is none around here. Rite Aid has rebates where you can get a certain amount back or you can even get it for free. Walgreens has rebates also, but they are ending and this will be the last month.

Put all your coupons that you plan to use in one spot. I usually paperclip mine together by store and place in the front pouch of my coupon holder. An envelope labeled with the store would also work really well. As you're walking through the store, don't forget to look at clearance items and other unadvertised sales while you are picking up the things on your list. You can really save some money if you can combine these with a coupon. This is really why I cut out any coupons I could possibly use. If I find something on clearance and have a coupon in my holder, I can usually get somethings for cheap. Plus you really never know what you will find on clearance where.

What I usually do as I am putting my items on the conveyor belt is keep a running total in my head. So then I know about how much my total is going to be. I can't always do this, because of the kids or whatever else, but I like to when I can. Make sure you give the cashier your store bonus card if there is one for that store before ringing up. Try to watch the prices as they are ringing up. It's a lot easier for the cashier to fix them at that point, then for you to have to wait at customer service for them to do it. After everything has been rung in correctly, hand the cashier your coupons and watch your total go down.

You may not pay $5 for $100 worth of products, but you will save. The more you use coupons and sales, the better you will get at it. Usually at grocery stores I can save about 50%. At drugstores, it is usually 60%-80%! Your savings will also depend on how good the sales are and what coupons are out at that time. Sometimes, you are just not going to find that good of deals and other times there will be tons. Make couponing and saving money a challenge and it will make it more fun. Shop several different stores as long as you are not going out of your way.

Happy couponing!

Please leave me any questions or comments.

Banana Bread

We have 2 overly ripe bananas. What do you do with brown bananas? Yep, it is time for some more banana bread!! YUMMY!! Making banana bread is pretty easy and very frugal. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare the batter and throw it in the oven. Then it's all about just waiting for it to bake. You can find a delicious banana bread recipe over at if you don't already have one.

I am off to bake.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't Forget - coupon giveaway

I just wanted to remind everyone to come over to my frugal site - - and help me celebrate getting my own domain. I am giving away over $100 in coupons, so come on over and visit.


Cake in a Mug

I posted this on my Coupon Queen of Corning blog, but I also wanted to share with my readers here, because it is so awesome.

Have you ever bought those single serve microwaveable treats? I believe they are from Betty Crocker. Anyway, I thought I would share with you a recipe I got from my husband's grandmother. It makes one serving, so no risk of overeating, and it's very frugal!

1 coffee mug
4 tbl. flour|
2 tbl. sugar
2 tbl. baking cocoa
1 egg
3 tbl. milk
3 tbl. oil
3 tbl. chocolate chips (optional)
small splash of vanilla extract

Add dry ingredients to mug and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips, if using, and vanilla and mix well again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 min. at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug but don't be alarmed! Allow to cool a little, and tip onto a plate if desired.

This is called the most dangerous cake recipe in the world because we are only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

$100 Coupon Giveaway

Hi everybody, I am having a contest over at my new domain. Coupon Queen of Corning. I am giving away over $100 in coupons. Come visit my new domain and say hi.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Changes to my frugal blog

I am working on getting my own .com for my Coupon Queen of Corning blog. I can do this through YoDaddy for $6.99 a year and go right through Blogger to create my posts for free. So, I will no longer be using my blog account soon. I am hoping I will not lose too many readers. I am going to start adding content to my new blog and trying to let everybody know about the change. I will still be using this blog to chronicle how things are going while the husband is on unemployment.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another Dreary Day

It's another dreary (and cold!) day here in upstate NY. It's 36 degrees and I would love for the sun to poke out from all the clouds. We had enough dreary days the last 3 or 4 months. I want the sun! I don't care how cold it is, as long as the sun is shining! We need a little nicer weather so that we can go get the garden ready for planting. We need to do quite a bit before we can plant so I hope it gets nice soon.

In our garden we are growing:

  • broccoli

  • lettuce

  • onions

  • spinach

  • beans

  • corn

  • potatoes

  • squash

  • pumpkin

  • carrots

  • and even strawberries!!

Are you planting a garden this year? If so, what kinds of good fruits and veggies are you planting?


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Target bargains for the week of 4/5-4/11

Here are some good deals that are going on at Target this week.

- Hershey's and other bagged candy $1.99

- 12ct easter eggs $.65 and easter grass 1.5 oz $.25

- Disney, Dreamworks and other select dvds $6.99. I went looking for Madagascar 1 and 2 on Sunday since both were supposed to be this price but they only had one copy of number 2 left. Also for this price is children's Easter movies.

- Disney movies $13.99 includes Bolt, Pinocchio, Wall-E, etc.

- Gilette Fusion Power razor for $7.99 and Gilette shave gel $1.89. Use coupons from Sunday's paper (if you didn't get one yet sometimes Tops has them for sale for a few days after) for $2 off the razor and $1 off the shaving gel. You then get a $5 giftcard, making these two things about $2!!

- Last week Target sent out coupons for baby products. You can use these coupons along with manufacture coupons (including internet printed ones) to get a great price. For the pampers and huggies diapers, wait until the jumbo packs go on sale for $9.99. You get the best price per diaper by waiting. You will end up paying $6-$7 per pack by using both coupons. For the huggies wipes, the cheapest way to do it is by buying the biggest pack. These seldom go on sale, but per wipe they are the cheapest. I bought a box yesterday for $12.99 and had a $.75 internet coupon and a $1.50 Target coupon. SO, that was a pretty good deal. If you don't already get
these coupons mailed to you, go to the Target website and signup.

- Target also had a deal on the new Always Infinity Pads. This was not advertised in this week's paper but was on the end aisle near the pharmacy. Buy 2 at $8.99 each and get a $5 gift card. There was a $3 coupon for these in the paper, so if you can get your hands on 2 of these coupons you would essentially be paying about $7 for 2 packs.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Crazy Weather

This weather is driving me nuts. We live in the Southern Tier of New York state and the weather has just been crazy. One day it will be typical April weather: 40-50 degrees and raining or just dreary. The next day it will be sunny and 60-70 degrees. It's like every other day, Mother Nature can't decide if she wants it to be spring or summer. No wonder everyone is sick with this crazy weather!!!

What's the weather been like recently where you live?


I got some pretty good deals at TOPS this week. Check it out and you have a TOPS near you, go over and visit. They have some pretty good deals this week. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of it all. I wanted to get it put away before the ice cream melted and veggies thawed.

Betty Crocker Frosting. On sale for $1.50 - $.55 coupon doubled = $.40

2 Betty Crocker Potatoes. On sale for $1.25 each = $2.50 - $1 coupon= $1.25 both / about $.63 each.

2 Ragu spaghetti sauce. On sale for $1.67 each = $3.34 - 2 $.30 coupons doubled (60 cents of each) = $2.14 for both / $1.07 each.

2 Stovetop Stuffing. On sale for $1.25 each - no coupon = $2.50

2 Skippy Peanut Butter. On sale for $2.19 each = $4.38 - 2 $.40 coupons doubled (80 cents of each) = $2.78 for both / $1.39 each.

5 Campbell cream soups. On sale for $.75 each = $3.75 - $1 coupon in 5 = $2.75 for all 5 / $.55 each.

Snyder's chips. On sale for $3 - $1 coupon = $23.01 pounds of bananas for .59 a pound = $1.78

2 pounds of strawberries on sale buy one get one free - $4.99 = Paid $2.50 a pound

3 bags Steamfresh veggies. On sale for $1 each = $3 - $1 coupon off 3 = $2 / $.75 each.

Perry's half gallon ice cream. On sale for $2.50 - no coupon.

Kraft cream cheese. on sale for $.99 -no coupon

2 bags Fleisher bagels. On sale for $1.33 each = $2.67 no coupon

Spinach seeds for garden = On sale for $1.59

Gallon of chocolate milk - coupon for free gallon of milk any flavor up to $4.69 - FREE (we usually don't buy chocolate milk but it was free)

Total Before Savings: $63.42
BonusCard Savings: $20.24
Manufacture Coupon Savings: $10.64
Doubled Coupon Savings: $1.40
Total After Savings: $31.14

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Couponing 101 - Part 1

Would you like to start using coupons but don't know where to start? Or maybe you feel like it takes too much effort to clip and use coupons? In this post, I will concentrate on the basics of couponing and how to get started, with less than an hour of your time each week.

One of the keys to using coupons is not to be too brand loyal. You will be able to use more coupons if you are willing to buy different brands. There are only a few brands that our family is loyal to and will not buy anything else. But I am also able to find coupons and sales for these items. When I find a coupon for one of these items, I buy extra papers or buy the coupons online, and stock up.

If you want to start couponing, you will need some sort of filing system. Some people use large binders with plastic insert pages that can hold baseball or business cards. Others use a small coupon holder. I personally use a coupon holder that is a little bigger than the regular sized ones. It holds all my coupons and still fits in my purse. I bought it at Target for $1.
There are several places to get coupons. The place where I get the most coupons, is the Sunday paper insert. When the paper has a lot of coupons in it that are good, I will sometimes even grab another paper. You can also find a lot of coupons online at places like:,, and more. I have also bought coupons on Ebay stores for around $2 for 10-20 coupons. This is a great deal if it's for a product you use often. Just make sure you can use a majority of the coupons before they expire.

I will continue with Part II soon, so look for it.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Homemade bread

I decided to try a new recipe last night. I have only made bread a handful of times and half of those were in the bread machine. I found a recipe on the Frugal Village forums and it had tons of great comments under it. So, I decided to make some white sandwich bread.

The worst part of making homemade bread is the time it takes to knead it and let it rise. Really between mixing and kneading, it only took about 15 minutes of actual work. The rest of the time was just letting it rise. The recipe I used, made 3 loaves (I had hubby grab a two more metal bread pans while he was out and about).

I have to tell you. This was the best bread ever!! It is still light and fluffy, but yet it stays together while you cut it. I can just imagine using this same recipe for rolls and buns. YUMMY!!!!

I just bought some more white wheat flour and the next time I make it I am thinking about using that. My plans are to make a batch every couple days. That way we don't have to buy store-bought bread anymore. Saving money and we're not eating preservatives. I will probably buy a few loaves though and just throw them in the freezer for when I do not have enough time to make more.

Savings by making own bread:
Flour - used 10 cups at $0.09 each = $0.90
Sugar - 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons = $0.21 a cup = $0.11
Yeast - 2 TBS = $0.13
Salt - less than $0.05
Butter - $0.50
Total Cost for 3 Loaves = $1.69
Total for each loaf = $.56

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Walgreens and Rite Aid Deals

I didn't spend a lot of money, but I got some great deals:

Gain Liquid detergent = $11.99 - $1 coupon
Bic Soleil razors = $4.99 -$1 easy saver - $2 coupon = $1.99
Wal-Itin Allergy = $6.99 - $6.99 Rebate = FREE

** I also received a $3 Register Reward for the next time I go to Walgreens.
Total before savings: $36.33
Total after all savings: $10.34

Savings: $71.5%

Rite Aid
Newspaper = $1.50
Magnum Razor = $4.99 - $4.99 Rebate = FREE
Hershey's easter candy = $3.29 each = BOGO free = $1.65 each
Jelly Beans = $2.49 each = BOGO free = $1.25 each

Total before savings: $18.91
Total after all savings:$8.14
Savings: 56.95%

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Design Coming Soon

I am in the process of designing a new background for this site. I want something that will fit all seasons and look really nice, so I am being extremely picky. So, for now you are getting this background from One Cute Blog.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Shopping Deals Today

Me and my little girl went shopping today. We went to Walgreens and Rite Aid and then headed on down to Tops to get some great sales. Here are the pictures of our trip, along with the details.

4 2-Liters of Pepsi $1 each (saved 89 cents on each)
3 coffee-Mate creamers *$2.25 for all 3 (saved $3.50)
2 gallons of milk *$1.69 and $2.15(saved 46 cents on one)
bananas $1.80
Kotex tampons *$1.00 (saved $1.50)
Kotex pads *$.50 (saved $2)
Freihofer whole wheat bread $3.89 for both -BOGO (saved $3.89)
2-Liter Diet Dr Pepper *Free (with coupon)
4 Post Cereals *$6.23 for all 4 (saved $7.30)
8 o'clock coffee *$3.29

**The coffee has a coupon in the package for $1 off so
I will use that next time. Also, for buying I had a coupon
from my last Tops visit for $3 off my next visit when I buy
4 Post cereals.

Total before savings: $54.99
Total after savings: $29.18
Saved: 53.06%

Walgreens and Rite Aid

Rite Aid
2 Eyeshadows $.99 cents each (on clearance - 75% off)
Huggies pullups $5.99 (saved $6.50)
Scrubbing Bubbles Wipes $3.98 for both (saved $4.98)
2 Pantene shampoo $2.24 for both (saved $10.74)
2 Secret deodorants $2.77 for both (saved $3.78)

Total Before Savings: $51.01
Total After Savings: $17.51
Saved: 6

Honey bun (breakfast lol) $.99
Reynolds 75 sf aluminum foil $1.29 (saved $2)
2 Pantene Natural Care $4.58 for both (saved $5)
Bic soleil razor system $3.29 (saved $3.59)
Snuggle fabric softener $3.49 (saved $1.50)
Gilette Fusion Gamer $4.99 (saved $4)

I also received a $4 Register Reward to be used at a future visit.I used my rebate gift card from last month and after that I paid $10.28 out of pocket and $6.28 after rebates. I will give you totals without the Register Reward added in.

Total Before Savings: $37.86
Total After Savings: $6.28
Saved: 83.4%

Thursday, March 26, 2009

First Unemployment Check

Well, dh received his first unemployment check today. We had it direct deposited into our bank account. Supposedly the extra $25 will be in there tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about all of this. I wish dh's work would call him back. It's nice to have the money to help us survive but I am already wishing he was still working. People when they are unemployed get a little depressed and even dh has been feeling it. He is mostly over it now and wants to get his resume done up and start looking around for something. He is still not in a rush to get another job, because he would rather go back to his old one. He is willing to wait a while, but at the same time he is keeping a look out for any really great jobs that he may be qualified for.

The biggest thing that I miss now that he isn't working, is the time to myself. I used to have three days a week where, after the kids were in bed, I could do my class work, watch tv or do whatever I wanted to. Now, it seems the only time I have on my own is when I go up to the college for my classes, and that isn't really 'me' time. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but we all need time for ourselves and our creative outlets.

I am hoping now that the weather is starting to get nicer, that he will be spending more time on our land and getting the garden in. Or maybe playing baseball with our older son. There really is a ton of things around here that need to be done (spring cleaning, basement organized) and I'm hoping he will start doing some of those things soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Planted Tomato and Pepper Seeds

Since we aren't able to get our house put on our land, we decided that we could still use some of our land to plant a garden. We have bought quite a few seeds, along with onion root and strawberry root. We are hoping that the veggies will do well and we will have tons of food to can and freeze. Of course, I will need to learn how to freeze fresh veggies and get some type of canner.

Yesterday, my husband and two year old daughter planted a bunch of tomatoes and peppers in containers. We will be keeping them inside until it's warm enough to put them in the ground. My daughter had a lot of fun helping daddy. We are going to be getting the area ready for planting just as soon as the weather is nice again.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Phones for our Family

We had phones through Verizon Wireless which were costing us about $76 a month for 400 shared minutes. We knew this was an area where we could cut our costs quickly. We really don't use our cell phones all too much, so we were wasting minutes a month because we didn't have a rollover plan.

I researched online for several hours and had it narrowed down to either TracPhone or Net10 (which are actually owned by the same company). We went to several different places and found that WalMart had both types of phones. We stood at WalMart comparing prices and phones for about an hour. Even with the double minutes for life you get with TracPhone, we decided that it would be cheaper for us to go with Net10 phones.

We bought dh a $40 phone that came with 300 minutes (so the phone was actually about $10). We took it home, went online to have the phone number transferred, and charged it. By the next day the number had transferred and we were ready to finish setup. I went over to Family Dollar the next week and bought myself a different flip phone for $40 with 300 minutes. I went online and my number was transferred that night! So, this change will save us about $45 a month!! Plus our minutes roll over!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Introduction

Hello. I would just like to introduce myself and tell you why I started this blog. I am a stay-at-home mom of three who also takes computer classes at the local community college. Up until two weeks ago my husband worked a great job where he only worked weekends from 7pm to 7am. He worked 36 hours, but got paid for 40 and he was home all week to spend time with his kids.

That Friday he came home at 11 pm and I knew something was wrong. The company let them finish up their work week and also were paying them their vacation with that week's pay. They had laid off 10 salary and 10 hourly employees a few weeks prior so we had already been concerned that this would happen. Him and 34 other employees were laid off that night.

We did not freak out about the money situation. Mostly because we had done up an unemployment budget just as a plan B, hoping that we would never have to use it. Unfortunately, we did. In a future post I will share with you my unemployment budget so that you also can be prepared.

We were supposed to be closing on our modular to put on our land by the end of this month. We were going through Rural Development and had applied last May for approval. It was a very long process and we were at the end of it finally when this happened. Unfortunately with the layoff we have to start all over again. I think this was the most depressing part of it. It was a huge disappointment and were both semi-depressed over it for a few days.

We were waiting to do our taxes until after we closed on the house, because we would be able to get over $12000 back and be able to pay off our credit cards and so much more. Fortunately we still got a little over $4k, so that will help keep us going for quite some time. I have done up a spreadsheet and we have more than enough with our return and unemployment to make it at least until November. Although, if dh is not back to work either at his former job or a new one by fall, I will have to look at finding a full time job.

I hope to use this blog to share with my readers how we are doing financially and, of course, emotionally. I will try to share as much as I can with you all. Thank you for reading my blog...