Saturday, May 16, 2009
Help with potty training
I need some help potty training my little girl. She is 2 1/2 and pretty stubborn. She knows that she's supposed to be going pee in the potty but just keeps peeing in her underwear. Time after time after time. We have been staying in the kitchen for now so that I don't have a really big mess to clean up. She just won't go potty. Any suggestions would be awesome. Please help!!!

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I have a stubborn son and this is what finally happened for us. After offering treats, toys...anything and nothing working I thought I was going to have the only high schooler in pull-ups. One day he came home from preschool and told me that his teacher wet her pants too. Rather than say he was lying I asked was she sick, did they have to take her to the doctor? His eyes got really big. I told him that after a certain age if you go potty in your pants you must be sick and you have to go to the doctor. He asked if you had to get a shot. I said I don’t know, I am not a doctor. Well, apparently that did it for him. The fear of the doctor out weighted any incentive. I didn’t mean to do it, I am not out to freak out my son. I was just a weird conversation that started. Had I just said – no honey, your teacher doesn’t pee her pants we would still be in pull-ups today. All that to say something clicks for each child. Who knows what it is. Hang in there. I know how frustrating it is.